Suraksha Shakti – A Women Safety App

1. Overview:

Welcome to the Suraksha Shakti. This guide will walk you through the practical steps to demonstrate the essential features of Incident Reporting, Emergency Alerts, and Location Tracking within the Salesforce platform.

2. Salesforce Setup:

  • Salesforce Developer Account:
    • Create a Salesforce Developer account to get started.
  • Customization:
    • Customize your Salesforce instance by adding necessary custom objects, fields, and relationships.

3. Custom Objects:

Incident Report Object:


  • Date_Time__c (DateTime):
    • Capture the date and time of reported incidents.
  • Location__c (Geolocation):
    • Record geographical coordinates for mapping and location tracking.
  • Description__c (Text):
    • Allow users to provide detailed incident descriptions.
  • User__c (Lookup to User):
    • Link the incident report to the reporting user.

Emergency Contact Object:


  • Name__c (Text):
    • Store the name of the emergency contact.
  • Phone__c (Phone):
    • Hold the phone number of the emergency contact.
  • Relationship__c (Text):
    • Describe the relationship between the user and the emergency contact.
  • User__c (Lookup to User):
    • Associate the emergency contact with a specific user.

4. Workflow Rules for PoC:

Implement workflow rules for a streamlined process:

  • Rule Criteria:
    • Incident_Report__c.Status__c == ‘Emergency’
  • Immediate Action:
    • Send Email or Trigger Notification

5. Geolocation Integration:

Explore Salesforce’s geolocation features for practical location tracking.

6. Mobile App Development:

Utilize the Salesforce Mobile SDK to create a simple mobile app:

  • Create a “Report Incident” button.
  • Implement the Salesforce Mobile SDK API for incident reporting.

7. Emergency Quick Actions:

Facilitate quick actions for emergency alerts:

  • Quick Action Name:
    • “Emergency Alert”
  • Fields:
    • Description, Location
  • Associated Apex Class:
    • SafetyAppController.invokeEmergency

8. Communication Channels:

Set up Chatter for real-time communication between users and designated responders.

9. Training Materials:

Create concise training materials within Salesforce:

  • Documents explaining app usage, incident reporting, and emergency alert procedures.

10. Monitoring with Dashboards:

Develop dashboards for real-time monitoring of incident reports and response times.

11. Integration with External Services:

Explore options to integrate with external emergency services for a comprehensive response system.

12. User Training Session:

Conduct a hands-on training session on app usage and safety features.

13. Testing Phase:

Conduct practical tests of the entire system, including incident reporting, emergency alerts, and communication channels.

14. Deployment:

Upon successful testing, deploy to your production Salesforce environment.

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