1. Introduction
The Cause Connect(NGO Volunteer Connect) is a LWR Salesforce-based platform designed to connect volunteers with NGOs for various causes. The platform allows volunteers to sign up, login, view NGO details, and apply to volunteer. NGOs can log in to review and manage volunteer applications.
2. User Roles and Access
- Volunteer:
- Can sign up, log in, and view NGOs.
- Apply to volunteer for specific NGOs.
- Manage their profiles.
- NGO:
- Can sign up, log in, and view volunteer applications.
- Accept or reject volunteer applications.
- Manage NGO details.
3. Object Definitions
Volunteer Object
- Fields:
- Address
- Contact Number
- Image
- Last Name
- Password
- Username
- Volunteer Name
Volunteer Application Object
- Fields:
- Date Applied
- NGO ID (Lookup to NGO)
- Reviewed (Checkbox)
- Status (Number)
- Volunteer ID (Lookup to Volunteer)
NGO Object
- Fields:
- Address
- Contact Number
- Contact Person Name
- Description
- NGO Name
- NGO City
- NGO Country
- NGO Postal Code
- NGO State
- NGO Image
- NGO Password
- NGO Username
4. Pages and Functionality
Home Page
- Welcome message and brief description.
- Navigation links to relevant pages.
Service Page
- Information about the services provided by NGOs.
- Call-to-action for volunteers to explore NGOs.
Contact Us Page
- Contact information for general inquiries.
- Form for volunteers to submit questions.
My Profile Page
- Volunteer’s personal information and settings.
- Option to edit profile details.
NGO Page
- List of all NGOs with basic information.
- Clicking on an NGO redirects to the NGO Detail Page.
NGO Detail Page
- Detailed information about the NGO.
- Description, location, contact details, and an “Apply” button for volunteers.
NGO Dashboard Page
- NGO administrators can access the dashboard upon logging in.
- List of volunteers who have applied to the NGO.
Applicant Information Page
- NGO administrators can click on a volunteer application to view detailed information.
- The detailed view includes the volunteer’s contact details, application date, and any additional information provided by the volunteer.
- Admins can make a decision by selecting “Accept” or “Reject.”
- Accepted or rejected status updates are reflected in real-time.
5. Workflow Overview
Volunteer Workflow
- Sign up or log in.
- Explore NGOs on the NGO Page.
- Click on an NGO to view details.
- Apply to volunteer by clicking the “Apply” button.
- Application details stored in the Volunteer Application Object.
NGO Workflow
- log in as an NGO.
- View volunteer applications on the NGO Page.
- Accept or reject applications.
- Manage NGO details.
6. Data Flow and Relationships
Volunteer Application to NGO
- Each volunteer application is linked to a specific NGO.
- NGO ID in Volunteer Application links to the NGO.
- Each NGO can have multiple volunteer applications.
7. Security
- Volunteers and NGOs must log in to access their respective functionalities.
- User authentication is managed through Salesforce credentials.
- Data access is controlled based on user roles and permissions.
8.Data Model